As one of Kerala’s most engaging local festivals the Thrissur Elephant Festival is one of the finest cultural showcases in southern India. With an illustrious history that dates back over 200 years the Thrissur Elephant Festival in Kerala is one of the oldest cultural festivals in India. With its spectacular elephant procession covered by Events and Festivals Blog websites locally as well as internationally, the event can rightly be called one of the top temple …
The great leader who first put forth the controversial idea of complete independence for India, the founder of what is known as integral yoga and the writer of the books titled Savitri and The Life Divine is the simple but educated gentleman by the name of Sri Aurobindo. Born in Calcutta but educated in London, this visionary was even imprisoned in his struggle for peace, democracy and independence for his mother nation. Once the battle …
Buddhism is a religion that is embraced by a majority of Sri Lanka. However, the roots of Buddhism are believed to have originated in Eastern India. One of the most venerated and sacred places that are popular among Buddhist pilgrims is Bodh – Gaya. This is the birth place of Sri Siddhartha Gautama who later gained enlightenment and became Lord Buddha. He is believed to have attained enlightenment under the Bodhi tree which is currently …