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Visiting Muchalinda Lake – The meditating Buddha


Near the Mahabodhi Temple in Bodhgaya, if you walk towards your right, you’d find the Muchalinda Lake or the Lotus Pond. About Surrounded by a charming and serene atmosphere, this lake is nestled among lush greens and in the midst of it all, is a beautiful statue of Lord Buddha, meditating while he sits on a coil of the snake, with the snake’s head protecting him from the sun. Bodhgaya hotels and private homes have a picture …

A Visit to Chandigarh, India – Going green all the way


If you want to see the cleanest and most green city in India, a trip to Chandigarh in North of India might be a great idea. About Most people don’t have Chandigarh on their list of destinations when they visit India, even travel agencies in Sri Lanka might sometimes overlook the city. Contrary to popular opinion, Chandigarh is not crowded and polluted like the major cities in the north and is a refreshing pollution free change for …

Beliefs about The Bodhi Tree, Bodhgaya – The Sacred Tree


Read this brief guide on the Beliefs about The Bodhi Tree, Bodhgaya before planning your visit to this historic, sacred site. Trees are living beings that breathe, give life and help preserve the world we live in. Buddhists strongly believe that one must never cut a tree down. Buddhist Beliefs According to Buddhist’s Book of Discipline, a monk is not allowed to cut a tree as not only does it have life but it could …