Tag Archives: New Dellhi
Durga Puja Celebration in New Delhi
0In a land of many societies, religions and cultures, a vibrant land of colour and music, the many festivals in India are celebrated with much fervour and the whole subcontinent puts on a festive air and brings together family and friends to rejoice and enjoy the many festivals. Cities are drenched in colour and beautiful songs are played in every street corner, houses are painted and new clothes are bought and there is none no …
New Delhi Planetarium: Exploring the Celestial Mystery
0Some believe that the beginning of the Universe could be traced back to the Big Bang. Others believe that a higher authority, a God, created the Universe. Either way, the existence of the Universe and all things in it has created an insatiable curiousity in mankind and for centuries astronomers and scientists have dedicated their lives to discovering the hidden meaning that has eluded them for so long. The desire to explore this celestial mystery …
Experience the Ladakh Festival in India
0Ladhak Festival is a festivity that is filled with much joy and vibe. It is basically a fiesta which attracts many spectators from all over the globe which is filled with much joy and warmth. The festival starts off with a lengthy procession where the cultural events performed by local communities including kids and adults both perform various cultural items. The whole array of festivity is made vibrant with the yak dances, wild lion music …